@vikSwapd wrote:
Hello everyone,
i updated our app from Ionic 1.2.4 to Ionic 1.3.1 yesterday. Since then state params aren't working properly anymore. Was this changed somehow in 1.3.1? I wasn't able to find anything online?
The code:<div class="swapsClick" ui-sref="swap({swapId: otherItem.swapId})"></div>
$stateProvider .state('swap', { url: '/swap', cache: false, params: { swapId: null }, views: { 'main': { templateUrl: 'app/swap/swap.html', controller: 'SwapController as SwapCtrl' } } });
I'm now nomore able to read out the stateparams in the controller , like i was before.
Any ideas?Thank You!
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