I am using vue2-dragula library in a nuxt project with ionic framework integrated in.
I have 2 scenarios in which vue-dragula doesn’t work as expected:
I am using dragula on ion-items inside a ion-list
and the drop doesn’t work meaning that the effect of dragging works but at drop the cancel event is emitted like in the gif below
I am using dragula on ion-items that are inside a div before inside the ion-list
<ion-list v-dragula="tasks1" service="effects">
<div v-for="text of tasks1" :key="text">
{{ text }}
and the drop works but the effect of dragging is wrong like in the gif below
Does anyone know why the drag and drop doesn’t work on ion ion-items inside vue projects only when are put in html elements and even than the dragging effect is bad? Because I saw many example in angular where the drag and drop works for ion elements.
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