Hi all,
for automation purposes we need to add an identifier to each interactable element.
Below is our first attempt. We added id=“login.email” to ion-input. But in order for it to work with Selenium the id must be set on the enclosed input element.
<ion-input _ngcontent-lnx-c185="" class="email-input ng-untouched ng-valid sc-ion-input-md-h sc-ion-input-md-s md hydrated has-focus has-value ng-dirty ion-untouched ion-valid ion-dirty" id="login.email">
<input class="native-input sc-ion-input-md" aria-labelledby="ion-input-0-lbl" autocapitalize="off" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" name="ion-input-0" placeholder="Enter email address" type="text">
Is it possible make an attribute appear on inner elements of an Ionic component? How? Other suggestions?
Thanks in advance,
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