I’m trying to send info through output, but nothing is recived.
I have a list of items (page 1), when an item is clicked a modal is launched, inside this modal there are categories, when one of this categories is clicked I have to send this value to the categories page (page 2).
When categories page will be loaded I have tho show the events who match with the category recived.
If I am right, the launched modal is the son, and the categories page is the father.
On modal html I have something like this:
<ion-col size="12">
<ion-chip class="tab-selected">
<ion-label (click)="goTo('/tabs/tab2',p.type)">{{p.type}}</ion-label>
The modal component looks like this:
import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
@Output() clickType = new EventEmitter<string>();
Category page html looks like this:
<ion-label class="left_titulo" (clickType)="Click($event)" text-wrap><h2>{{e.event}}</h2></ion-label>
Category page component looks like this:
console.log('Category is: ',category);
When I click on the text from the ion-label, nothing is launched, not console.log, not even errors, anything!
Any help?
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