Hello, I’m developing an app and I tested on two android terminals, both with Android 10.
On first, all ok, the popover is showed without problems.
Video here:
But at the second terminal, is showed with artifacts.
Video here:
The popover template is very simple:
<ion-item *ngFor="let country of countries" (click)='selectCountry(country)'>
<ion-avatar item-start>
<img [src]="country.flagUrl">
<ion-text class="ion-padding">{{country.name | slice:0:15}}</ion-text>
And code to launch popover:
const popover: HTMLIonPopoverElement = await this.popoverController.create({
component: popoverOptions['component'],
componentProps: {
countries: this.countries,
parentRef: this
backdropDismiss: true,
// Popover component scope its CSS by appending each of
// the styles with an additional class at runtime
// here can set the name of this class
cssClass: popoverOptions['cssClass'],
event: myEvent, // Needed to show popover, near click, not centered
translucent: false
// Show dynamic component PopoverComponent into view
return await popover.present()
Any idea ? Thank you very much
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