Hi all
This is probably a very Ionic beginner question:
When I’m using an IonContent-block within an IonModel I would expect that the IonContent uses the whole height of the modal.
To test it I started a blank Vue.js project and used the sample code from https://ionicframework.com/docs/api/modal to create a modal. The only thing I changed was the content of the modal.
The modal component can be found on Github: https://github.com/chrigu/modaldemo/blob/b8b98962b21b332c118187cd227788cbfe8ef458/src/views/Modal.vue
The IonContent’s main-Element is always 56px in height and you can only see the content if you use the scrollbars.
The code can be found here: https://github.com/chrigu/modaldemo
How can you make the IonContent to expand so that it uses the height of the modal?
Thanks in advance!
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