I’m trying to create an Ionic Angular project within Nx Monorepo.
I’m able to initialize it and it opens successfully in browser, but running it on an emulator or real device results in net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
I believe it’s related to some incorrect path somewhere…
Steps to reproduce
- create nx workspace with command:
npx create-nx-workspace testProject
(create empty project) - than install @nrwl/angular
npm install --save-dev @nrwl/angular
nx g @nrwl/angular:app mobile --routing
ng add @ionic/angular --project=mobile
ionic init "mobile" --type=angular
ionic integrations enable cordova –add
- Then run the app on emulator with
ionic cordova emulate android --project=mobile
Here’s the repository with the code sample: https://github.com/tokarkin/ionic-nx
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