This might be a unique one, or just hard to find because of the wording. I’m wondering if I can change the inner border width of a ion-textarea so my text goes closer to the edge without wrapping or being cut-off.
as you can see in the picture, there is a lot of room, on the sides and the top. I want to make the font size bigger, but even at this size, some letters get cut off, or they start wrapping if I let it.
Anyway to change this “border thickness” or make the text not get cut off?
here is my code if it helps…
<ion-item class = "backColor3">
<ion-textarea class="textAreaHeight2" readonly="true" auto-grow="true" type="text" name="d1d" [ngModel]="d1d" ></ion-textarea>
.textAreaHeight2 {
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
min-width: 30px;
left: -4px;
--ion-background-color:rgba(60, 200, 160, 0.418);
border-radius: 200%;
margin-left: 10px;
min-width: 55px;
min-height: 55px;
max-width: 55px;
max-height: 55px;
Thanks for any help or suggestions that you can give!
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