I have developed an app (Ionic/Cordova/Angular) based on 18 columns in the grids using “–ion-grid-columns: 18” in variables.scss. I have recently tried to support Windows as a platform as well but this setting seems to be ignored. I have verified the scenario by creating a testapp " ionic start testApp blank --type angular", added Windows “ionic cordova platform add windows”. I just added a grid with six columns of size 3 to home.page.html:
<ion-grid width=100%>
<ion-col size=“3”>
Column 1
<ion-col size=“3”>
Column 2
<ion-col size=“3”>
Column 3
<ion-col size=“3”>
Column 4
<ion-col size=“3”>
Column 5
<ion-col size=“3”>
Column 6
and modified variables.scss as described. Using “ionic serve” the six columns are perfectly displayed in the same row, while “ionic cordova run windows” displays 4 columns in the same row and columns 5 and 6 are placed in a separate row.
Any ideas?
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