Hi guys,
I wanted to ask whether you have any best practices regarding the add/edit functionalities and an ion-back-button on these add/edit pages in the application.
For example I have a following urls:
- /admin/customers - list of customers
/admin/customers/{:id} - customer full page.
When I am on the listing page and I click on the particular customer, I go to customer’s full page. When I click a ‘back button’ on this page I come back to the listing. That’s fine.
But imagine this:
I am on the listing page (’/admin/customers’). I click ‘add new customer’ button and I go to:
I fill the form and click ‘save’. Then upon saving, I am redirected to the newly created customer full page: -
And now (important part) on the customer’s full page I click the ‘back button’ because I want to come back to the listing page but instead I am being redirected to the ‘admin/customers/new’ which is not what I expected. As a user I expected to go back to the listing page.
Do you have any best practices to tackle these types of scenarios? Can I force the back button to redirect always to a listing page for example? Or I need to modify the routes somehow in order to achieve the expected behaviour?
Thanks in advance! I would really appreciate if you could shed some light on how you tackle these scenarios.
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