When developing an Ionic app with Angularfire integration and then deploying and running on an iPhone device, the app would often open the Safari app then show the Firebase project webpage with this url: https://app-project-name.firebaseapp.com.
This is defiantly a bad user experience and a potential security risk as it exposes to any attacker the real firebase project url.
Development Environment:
Angular/core: 10.0.0
Firebase: ^7.23.0
Ionic: 5.0.0
Cordova-ios: ^6.1.1
Node: 10.15.3
Operating system: MacOS: 10.14.6
Xcode: 11.3
iPhone: 7 with iOS version 13.3.1
Steps to set up and reproduce
Create and ionic/angular project.
Integrate Angularfire in app.module.ts
Add Auth angularfire functionality.
Build for iOS and run on a physical device, upon running, the app would open Safari and point to your project’s firebase url.
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