I’m new to Ionic, so first sorry for my newbie question I already spent hours of searching on Google, etc but could not find an answer to my question
My scenario is very simple. I just want to include three different WebApps (consisting of several html,css,js files) in my Ionic app. What I tried till now:
- Created an Ionic app based on template “tabs” ⇨ worked
- Put my WebApps in 3 different folders w1, w2 and w3 directly in the src directory of my Ionic app
- Replace line#4 in src/components/ExploreContainer.vue to
<p>My WebApp <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="w1/index.html">enter here</a></p>
Starting the app with ionic serve works perfectly well. But it’s not possible to open the WebApp by pressing the link.
What is missing? Any help is really appreciated
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