I am using NFC
and HCE
in an attempt to exchange data between two devices. I activate ReaderMode
in order to scan the tags, once a tag is discovered I am using transceive
to send raw commands to the tag.
ReaderMode as follows:
var readermode = this.nfc.readerMode(this.nfc.FLAG_READER_NFC_A
| this.nfc.FLAG_READER_NFC_V | this.nfc.FLAG_READER_SKIP_NDEF_CHECK).subscribe((tagObj) => {
this.nfc.transceive('90 5A 00 00 03 AA AA AA 00').then(res => {
console.log("Transceive Response: ", res);
}).catch(err => {
console.log("Error Transceiving: ", err);
And in HCE (Host Card Emulation) I set the listener for the command as follows:
this.hce.registerCommandCallback((command) => {
var commandAsBytes = new Uint8Array(command);
var commandAsString = this.service.byteArrayToHexString(commandAsBytes);
The reader mode reads well the tag, but when the transceive
method is called it catches the error "no tech"
and the command never reaches the tag.
Am I missing something? Appreciate any support.
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