i am trying to implement dbltab and longpress using hammer in vue 3.
the doc and the behavior of directives are not the same.
the doc shows bind/unbind, but it looks like created/destroyed are the new terms.
the doc says I will get a ‘this’ pointer, but don’t at created time.
my directives need mouse interaction, but the method I supplied on the v-press="…" gets called, LONG before the created: directive invocation…
my component
<ion-row v-for="(row,i) in data[info.Type+'s']" :key="row+'.Name'"
v-press="deleteRow(i,info.Type)" >
<ion-col v-for="(field) in info.Fields" :key="field.Name" :size="field.width" class = " colb center " @click="setClickedRow(i,info.Type,field.Name)" >
<ion-list v-if="field.Name=='Tags'" >
<ion-item v-for="(id,i) of row[field.Name]" :key="i" class = " colb center ">
<ion-list v-else-if="field.Name=='Type'">
<ion-item v-for="(id,i) of row[field.Name]" :key="i" class = " colb center ">
<span v-else>
<span v-if="field.Name=='Source'" class = " colb center ">
<span v-else class = " colb center ">
<script >
import { IonContent, IonRow, IonCol,IonList, IonItem } from '@ionic/vue';
export default{
name: 'Content',
components: { IonContent, IonRow, IonCol , IonList, IonItem },
props: {
info: { type: Object,
name: {
type: String,
default: function () {
return 'Sample'
fields: {
type: Array,
default: function() {
return [{Name: 'Test', width: 10}]
data: {
default: function() {
return {}
dbltap: {
console.log("dbltap created")
console.log("parms="+JSON.stringify(this,' ',2))
bind: function(){
console.log("dbltap bind called")
unbind: function(){
console.log("dbltap unbind called")
created: function(x){
console.log("press created")
console.log("parms="+JSON.stringify(this,' ',2))
unbind: function(){
console.log("press unbind called")
tagfromID (x){
for(const tag of this.data.Tags){
if(tag.id == x) {
return tag.Value
return x+' not found'
datasourcefromID (x){ console.log("datasource fromid clicked ="+x);
for(const datasource of this.data.DataSources){
if(datasource.id == x)
return datasource.Name
return x+' not found'
addeditClicked(mode, row, type, imageName){ console.log("addedit clicked mode="+mode+" type="+type+" returning imagename="+imageName);return imageName},
deleteRow(x){ console.log("delete row directive called="+x); return},
setClickedRow(index, type, field){console.log("setClickedRow clicked index="+index+" type="+type+" field="+field); return}
and the console log on page initial draw
there should be ONE call to created for press and dbltap for each ion-row
dbltap means edit row, press means delete
getselected clicked type=Tag
ContentComponent.vue?8673:100 addedit clicked mode=2 type=Tag returning imagename=edit
ContentComponent.vue?8673:101 delete row directive called=0
ContentComponent.vue?8673:100 addedit clicked mode=2 type=Tag returning imagename=edit
ContentComponent.vue?8673:101 delete row directive called=1
ContentComponent.vue?8673:100 addedit clicked mode=2 type=Tag returning imagename=edit
ContentComponent.vue?8673:101 delete row directive called=2
ContentComponent.vue?8673:100 addedit clicked mode=2 type=Tag returning imagename=edit
ContentComponent.vue?8673:101 delete row directive called=3
ContentComponent.vue?8673:100 addedit clicked mode=2 type=Tag returning imagename=edit
ContentComponent.vue?8673:101 delete row directive called=4
ContentComponent.vue?8673:100 addedit clicked mode=2 type=Tag returning imagename=edit
ContentComponent.vue?8673:101 delete row directive called=5
ContentComponent.vue?8673:63 dbltap created
ContentComponent.vue?8673:64 parms=undefined
ContentComponent.vue?8673:75 press created
ContentComponent.vue?8673:76 parms=undefined
ContentComponent.vue?8673:63 dbltap created
ContentComponent.vue?8673:64 parms=undefined
ContentComponent.vue?8673:75 press created
ContentComponent.vue?8673:76 parms=undefined
ContentComponent.vue?8673:63 dbltap created
ContentComponent.vue?8673:64 parms=undefined
ContentComponent.vue?8673:75 press created
ContentComponent.vue?8673:76 parms=undefined
ContentComponent.vue?8673:63 dbltap created
ContentComponent.vue?8673:64 parms=undefined
ContentComponent.vue?8673:75 press created
ContentComponent.vue?8673:76 parms=undefined
ContentComponent.vue?8673:63 dbltap created
ContentComponent.vue?8673:64 parms=undefined
ContentComponent.vue?8673:75 press created
ContentComponent.vue?8673:76 parms=undefined
ContentComponent.vue?8673:63 dbltap created
ContentComponent.vue?8673:64 parms=undefined
ContentComponent.vue?8673:75 press created
ContentComponent.vue?8673:76 parms=undefined
HeaderComponent.vue?f983:50 getselected clicked type=Tag
ContentComponent.vue?8673:100 addedit clicked mode=2 type=Tag returning imagename=edit
ContentComponent.vue?8673:101 delete row directive called=0
ContentComponent.vue?8673:100 addedit clicked mode=2 type=Tag returning imagename=edit
ContentComponent.vue?8673:101 delete row directive called=1
ContentComponent.vue?8673:100 addedit clicked mode=2 type=Tag returning imagename=edit
ContentComponent.vue?8673:101 delete row directive called=2
ContentComponent.vue?8673:100 addedit clicked mode=2 type=Tag returning imagename=edit
ContentComponent.vue?8673:101 delete row directive called=3
ContentComponent.vue?8673:100 addedit clicked mode=2 type=Tag returning imagename=edit
ContentComponent.vue?8673:101 delete row directive called=4
ContentComponent.vue?8673:100 addedit clicked mode=2 type=Tag returning imagename=edit
ContentComponent.vue?8673:101 delete row directive called=5
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