@jmarmin wrote:
I'm looking for a cordova plugin or something else that would allow me to open a remote document (PDF or other) with the phone dedicated application.
In my website, a simple $window.open is enough to do it but within my Ionic application, I don't know how to implement an equivalent of it.I tried with cordova-plugin-inappbrowser but because the document I want to read is only available when I'm connected, I'm redirected to my login page because my session is no longer available in the "inappbrowser" page. So this is not suitable.
I tried with cordova-plugin-file-transfer and it's ok with android as it is easy to browse file system with it. But it's not the case with ios.
I also had a look at cordova-plugin-file-opener2 but it's only for local documents.
Of course it has to work with ios and android.
Is there a simple manner to implement this need ?
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