@kendam wrote:
I needed to get the user details from ionic.io social Auth provider
The following are the implementations, this works fine as I am able to login the users with it, the only problem is the user data is empty, how do I get things like the First Name, Last Name, email and the profile pics .$scope.facebookLogIn = function(){
template:'Login in..'
})var authProvider = 'facebook';
var authSettings = { 'remember': true };var authSuccess = function(user) {
// user was authenticated, you can get the authenticated user
// with Ionic.User.current();
console.log('Facebook login was successful');
var currentUser = Ionic.User.current();
console.log('The current facebook user is'+ currentUser);
localStorageService.set('loggedinuser', currentUser );
var alertPopup = $ionicPopup.alert({
title: 'success',
template: JSON.stringify(user)
var authFailure = function(errors) {
// check the error and provide an appropriate message // for your application $ionicLoading.hide() //error callback var alertPopup = $ionicPopup.alert({ title: 'We could not sign you in!', template: JSON.stringify(errors) });
Ionic.Auth.login(authProvider, authSettings)
.then(authSuccess, authFailure);};
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