@Evensteven wrote:
Hi, I'm running Ionic v1.3 and cordova 6.1.1. I followed these 2 popular and similar tutorials about adding AdMob to an Ionic app:
http://www.nikola-breznjak.com/blog/codeproject/adding-admob-to-ionic-framework-application-step-by-step/At first I ran into an issue trying to install the plugin that couldn't be found:
cordova plugin add com.rjfun.cordova.plugin.admob
I read that if i'm running Cordova v5 or higher to use this plugin instead: https://github.com/floatinghotpot/cordova-admob-pro
My Question is how do I call the AdMob plugin? There are examples showing a separate "AdMob.js" file or calling the code from "App.js" inside the function:
.run(function($ionicPlatform) { $ionicPlatform.ready(function() { // INSERT ADMOB HERE? { });
And does anyone have an example of what their AdMob code looks like just for a banner? Does it look like this?
.run(function($ionicPlatform) { $ionicPlatform.ready(function() { if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.AdMob) { var admob_key = device.platform == "Android" ? "ANDROID_PUBLISHER_KEY" : "IOS_PUBLISHER_KEY"; var admob = window.cordova.plugins.AdMob; admob.createBannerView( { 'publisherId': admob_key, 'adSize': admob.AD_SIZE.BANNER, 'bannerAtTop': false }, function() { admob.requestAd( { 'isTesting': true }, function() { admob.showAd(true); }, function() { console.log('failed to request ad'); } ); }, function() { console.log('failed to create banner view'); } ); } { });
Am I forgetting something super easy? Is there a way to test to make sure I loaded the AdMobPro plugin?
Thanks in advance
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