@paultofman wrote:
Surveys are a great way of expressing your thoughts, angst, and experience about something you care about. I love and use Ionic and have decided to carry out this survey.
This survey is on the usage of front-end frameworks like ionic and back-end as a service cloud computing platforms(mBaaS) for hybrid mobile application development.
This questionnaire is part of a masters research project to understand the important factors in the choice of front-end UI frameworks and back-end-as-a-service mobile cloud computing for hybrid mobile application development. Your responses are important in enabling me to obtain as full an understanding as possible of this topical issue.
The questionnaire should take you about 5 minutes to complete. I hope you will be willing to complete the questionnaire or schedule an interview.
The link to the questionnaire is: https://paultofunmi.typeform.com/to/VC62SBThank you for your time. A summary of the findings will be published in an academic journal or made available to you on demand. If you have any queries or would like further information about this project, please reply via this medium.
Posts: 1
Participants: 1