@roma35 wrote:
hi everyone.
I have a problem with send data to restfull service, my service restfull not need key or login. is simple restful services.
well my code is here:$scope.SendData = function(){ var sendData = [ { id_customerorder:idcustomerorder, id_cart:idcartsend, customer_name:$scope.zupa.nombrecom, fb_id:fbid, tax_name:$scope.zupa.nombrecom, tax_number:$scope.zupa.nit, total_price:totalProduct, address:$scope.zupa.calle, address_number:$scope.zupa.numero, address_ref:$scope.zupa.refayuda, phone_ref:$scope.zupa.phone, latitude:lat, longitude:lng, order_date:orderdate, delivered:delivery }]; var request = JSON.stringify(sendData); console.log(request);
console.log('ok this data is sent');
// services.js file
// this method send data to method customerordersZupaSendData:function(datas){
return $http.post('http://web.zupa.delivery/webservice/index.php/customerorders',datas,{ headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} });
},but showme an error like this
and I don't know, why I have an error in my JSON like my imagen.
please help me
thanks for your attention
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