@tactilesolutions wrote:
Error as above, i'm doing ionic serve and have a "$state.go('tab.dashboard');"
Was working fine. Can't see what i've changed to make it not work!
Controller for dash is DashCtrl which is straight forward:
.controller('DashCtrl', function($scope,$state,$localStorage,$sessionStorage) {
$scope.$session = $sessionStorage;
console.log($sessionStorage.user.email);var user_type = $sessionStorage.user.type;
if(user_type == "standard") {
} else if(user_type == "tenant") {
} else if(user_type == "landlord") {
} else if(user_type == "agent") {
}//we need to add the user id to all the myproperties links
var currenthref = $(".myproperties").attr("href");
currenthref = currenthref + $sessionStorage.user.id;
Anybody come across this before?
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