@roma35 wrote:
hi everyone.
I have a problem with ionic app, not working well, well exactly not working the window facebook login, but in my browser (ionic serve) the facebook login working percfectly.
like this
when I click en login with facebook button, show me a popup window to login.but when a try in my device, well in my emulator not working and it has ignored the style "css"
like thisfirst, it has ignored style css,
second, whe I click in login with facebook button not show me a popup window, the popup is part of api facebookwhe I use command (ionic build android and next ionic run andriod) not show me, no mistakes.
I need install a plugin?
I following this link (https://ccoenraets.github.io/ionic-tutorial/ionic-facebook-integration.html) and working well in my localhost, but when I try this ionic app in emulator not working.
please help me.
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