@prtercio wrote:
Hi guys,
I'm trying to filter the data I get from Firebase. This is code in my controller:var refProd = new Firebase(URL_SETTINGS.FIREBASE_URL+"data"); refProd.on('value', function(snapshot) { $scope.data = snapshot.val(); }); var filterBarInstance; $scope.showFilterBar = function () { filterBarInstance = $ionicFilterBar.show({ items: $scope.data, update: function (filteredSub) { $scope.data = filteredSub; } }); };
But when I look I get this error:
Error: [filter:notarray] Expected array but received: {"
-KHQMf2p_Y6YwvqrfOCu":{"name":"name1","city":"city1",".......Please, any suggestions, I know you not do !!
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