@TomBeech wrote:
I'm trying to use the ionic.io push notification service. It works when the phones on standby/the apps not open - however my on received isnt fireing when a notification comes through.
I have this in my app.js:
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() { $log.info('firing the run code..'); var push = new Ionic.Push({ "debug": false, "onNotification": function(notification) { var payload = notification.payload; console.log(notification, payload); $log.info("SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED"); }, "onRegister": function(data) { console.log(data.token); }, "pluginConfig": { "ios": { "badge": true, "sound": true }, "android": { "iconColor": "#343434" } } }); });
And the register I just have on the login:
var push = new Ionic.Push(); var callback = function(pushToken) { console.log(pushToken.token); } push.register(callback);
However, it does register, i do get the callback token but I never get anything in onNotification
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