@sneceesay77 wrote:
I am new to Ionic so my question might be basic. I am implementing an
application using tabs and lists. My navigation works for the first
time I load the application. i.e. I can click on the first 10 list items
and it navigates me correctly to a single page with some more details.However upon loading more data using infinite scrolling, the
navigation fails to work properly from the 11th item to the rest I can
navigate but no details are displayed in the page I navigate to. Below
is my code so far.In my controller
.controller('AllAdsCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$state', function ($scope, $http, $state) { $scope.allads = []; $http.get("http://locahost/android/getAdsForIonic.php") .success(function(data){ $scope.allads = data; console.log($scope.allads.length); $scope.clickedad=$state.params.adId; $scope.last = $scope.allads[$scope.allads.length-1].id; //console.log($scope.last) }) .error(function() { $scope.allads = "error in fetching data"; }); console.log("out"+$scope.last) $scope.loadMore = function() { $http.get('http://localhost/android/getAdsForIonic.php?startHere='+$scope.last).success(function(items) { console.log($scope.allads.length); //console.log(JSON.stringify(items)); $scope.allads = $scope.allads.concat(items); $scope.clickedad=$state.params.adId; $scope.last = $scope.allads[$scope.allads.length-1].id; $scope.$broadcast('scroll.infiniteScrollComplete'); }); }; }]);
In my route I have
.state('tab.detail', { url: '/home/:adId', views: { 'tab-home': { templateUrl: 'templates/ad-detail.html', controller: 'AllAdsCtrl' } } })
In ad-detail.html I have
<ion-header-bar class="bar-positive"> <h2 class="title">Ad Information</h2> </ion-header-bar> <ion-view> <ion-content class="padding"> <ion-list class="list-inset" ng-repeat="ad in allads | filter : {id : clickedad}"> <ion-item class="item-text-wrap"> <h2>Title : {{ad.title}}</h2> <img ng-src="http://localhost/{{ad.image_path}}" width="100px"> <h2>Price : {{ad.price}}</h2> <p> <h3>Description : {{ad.description}}</h3> </p> </ion-item> </ion-list> </ion-content> </ion-view>
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