@fpenninger wrote:
Hi fellows,
I am having problems with the inline video playback of my ionic app in iOS. The expected video playback works in general, but after having viewed/played about 12 pages/videos while quickly navigating between the pages, the playback stops to work. Instead of the video a black area is shown with a crossed out play button on it.
What I know about the problem so far:
* The playback also stops to work for videos which used to play before (so I assume its not wrong paths which lead to this issue)
* It is always the same template which contains the video (so I assume that the code itself works)
* If I restart the app as soon as the issue appears, video playback works
* While testing with ionic serve, the issue does not appear
* While testing with ionic run ios on the emulator, the issue does not appear
* While testing on the device, the issue appearsWhile testing on the device and watching the used resources (CPU, Memory) in Xcode I noticed that each time I open the page the video is loaded into the memory, but the memory is not set free if I leave the page, means that the memory size increases and increases. I assume that this finally leaves to the not playing videos.
Right now I don’t know how to proceed to fix this issue. Any recommendations?
Thanks a lot in advance.
<video loop="loop" controls="controls" preload="metadata" muted="muted" autoplay="autoplay" webkit-playsinline="webkit-playsinline" class="videoplayer" > <source src="{{exercise.video}}" type="video/mp4"/> </video> </div>`
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