@sdiasbernardo wrote:
Hello friends, I'm new here, but I'm studying Ionic a few months ago.
What I want to do is: An app that the user accesses his gym using login, and this access he visualizes his workout routine.
The user:
The user it's client of a certain gym, He selects his gym, logs in and view his workout routine, allowing only change the weight of each exercise.The Gym (my direct clients):
- I have 3 bodybuilding gym clients. Each Gym access a platform on which it creates and controls the workout routine of each user. And distributes login and pass to the client.The app (general):
- A list of all registered Gym's to the user. The user access his Gym using login and visualizes his workout routine, this workout routine it's controlled by the Gym in a web platform.The idea it's following this local food application:
I dont know if it is possible using Ionic, but the problem it's that I dont have a idea how I can develop this system. How build this web platform?
Thank you very much friends, and sorry to big text and bad english.
Best Regards.
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