@tego120 wrote:
I guys im creating an app in ionic most part of the App come from my rest Api.
Having a hexadecimal color for AppHeader and background.This Code from other post in ionic forum do the job.
In CSS. example:
.background, .background .pane, .background .item, .background .item-complex .item-content{background-color: #f7f8fa;}
In html:
<ion-nav-view class="background"></ion-nav-view>
Well I include jQuery to my app...
Then in My controller then code this.
jQuery(".background").css("background-color","yellow "); jQuery(".background .pane").css("background-color","yellow "); jQuery(".background .item").css("background-color","yellow "); jQuery(".background .item-complex .item-content").css("background-color","yellow ");
this is not working properly dont do the same of the css...
the idea i have is put the variable with my backgroun color instead yellow.
If un know how i can do this please let me know. How I change the
completely the background of the App in ionic using a Variable provide
from Api and change constantly.
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