@velcrodesign wrote:
I'm trying to run this HLS stream in a HTML5 video tag in my ionic app:<video width="400" height="200" playsinline webkit-playsinline preload="metadata" controls poster="img/poster.jpg"> <source src="http://wms.shared.streamshow.it/canale8/canale8/playlist.m3u8" type='application/x-mpegurl' /> </video>
This plays fine on iOS and Android 5, but it doesn't work on Android 4.4.2. The video tag appears fine, the poster is loaded, but the play button is not active.
I tried playing this directly in the browser (Internet and Chrome) and it works fine.
I've also tried Clappr video player, which works also on iOS and Android 5 but not on Android 4.4.2...
Is the webview different on all Android Versions?Any ideas?
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