@Velix007 wrote:
Hello guys, I seem to have an issue, hopefully I can get your help.
Im navigating to a section in my navbar and after clicking an option it takes me to a details page.
<ion-view view-title="Dish Details"> <ion-content> <div class="card"> <div class="item item-body item-text-wrap"> <img class="full-image" ng-src="{{baseURL+dish.image}}" alt="Uthappizza"> <h2>{{dish.name}} <span style="font-size:75%">{{dish.price | currency}}</span> <span class="badge badge-assertive">{{dish.label}}</span></h2> <p>{{dish.description}}</p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col col-offset-10"> <h4>Customer Comments <small>Sort by: <input type="text" ng-model="orderText"> </small></h4> <ul class="list"> <li ng-repeat="comment in dish.comments | orderBy:orderText"> <blockquote> <p>{{comment.rating}} Stars</p> <p>{{comment.comment}}</p> <footer>{{comment.author}}, {{comment.date | date:'MMM. dd, yyyy'}}</footer> </blockquote> </li> </ul> </div>
However when I go back out of this page I seem to be stuck with a BACK button in the top left corner, instead of the usual menu button, what did I do wrong?
Both the iOS and the Android have the same error, I have just not touched the Android version to show the comparison, as you can see even the name doesn't refresh back to Ristorante con Fusion
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