@karthikdeepakvegi wrote:
I am trying to implement tabs. I want it to look something like this:
Code follows...
.state('app.schedule', { url: '/schedule', abstract: true, templateUrl: 'templates/schedule.html' }) .state('app.schedule.day1', { url: '/day1', views: { 'day1': { templateUrl: 'templates/day1.html', controller: 'ScheduleCtrl' } } }) .state('app.schedule.day2', { url: '/day2', views: { 'day2': { templateUrl: 'templates/day2.html', controller: 'ScheduleCtrl' } } }) .state('app.schedule.day3', { url: '/day3', views: { 'day3': { templateUrl: 'templates/day3.html', controller: 'ScheduleCtrl' } } }) .state('app.schedule.day4', { url: '/day4', views: { 'day4': { templateUrl: 'templates/day4.html', controller: 'ScheduleCtrl' } } }) <ion-view view-title="Schedule"> <ion-tabs class="tabs-icon-top tabs-stable tabs-striped tabs-top tabs-positive"> <ion-tab title="Oct-1" icon="ion-android-calendar" ui-sref="app.schedule.day1"> <ion-nav-view name="day1"></ion-nav-view> </ion-tab> <ion-tab title="Oct-2" icon="ion-android-calendar" ui-sref="app.schedule.day2"> <ion-nav-view name="day2"></ion-nav-view> </ion-tab> <ion-tab title="Oct-3" icon="ion-android-calendar" ui-sref="app.schedule.day3"> <ion-nav-view name="day3"></ion-nav-view> </ion-tab> <ion-tab title="Oct-4" icon="ion-android-calendar" ui-sref="app.schedule.day4"> <ion-nav-view name="day4"></ion-nav-view> </ion-tab> </ion-tabs>
However when I click on schedule link, nothing happens.
But it works when I change the route of schedule page as below:.state('app.schedule', { url: '/schedule', views: { 'menuContent': { templateUrl: 'templates/schedule.html' } } })
A tab parent view should be abstract right? Why is it not working in my case? Am I missing something?
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