@Ramo wrote:
Skype and Hangouts are started when I start the main application. Without that I have executed them. How can I prevent that they don't start right at the start of the main app? I want that the apps just start when the buttons "launch Skype" and "launch Hangouts" clicked. They shouldn't be started automatically.
function launchApp($ionicPopup, appConfig) { var scheme; if (device.platform === 'iOS') { scheme = appConfig.iosScheme; } else if (device.platform === 'Android') { scheme = appConfig.androidScheme; } else if (device.platform === 'wp') { scheme = appConfig.wpScheme; } else if (device.platform === 'windows8') { scheme = appConfig.windows8Scheme; } navigator.startApp.check(scheme, function(message) { /* success */ navigator.startApp.start(scheme, function(message) { }, function(error) { /* error */ $ionicPopup.alert({ title: appConfig.appName + " not started!", content: appConfig.appName + " not started!" }) }); }, function(error) { $ionicPopup.alert({ title: appConfig.appName + " not installed!", content: appConfig.appName + " not installed! Please install it!" }) }); } myApp.controller("launchSkypeCtrl", function($scope, $ionicPopup, $cordovaInAppBrowser) { document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); function onDeviceReady() { var skypeConfig = { "appName": "Skype", "iosScheme": "skype://", "androidScheme": "com.skype.raider", "wpScheme": "skype:", "windows8Scheme": "skype:" } $scope.launchSkype = launchApp($ionicPopup, skypeConfig); } }); myApp.controller("launchHangoutsCtrl", function($scope, $ionicPopup, $cordovaInAppBrowser) { document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); function onDeviceReady() { var hangoutConfig = { "appName": "Google Hangouts", "iosScheme": "gtalk://", "androidScheme": "com.google.android.talk:", "wpScheme": "gtalk:", "windows8Scheme": "gtalk:" } $scope.launchHangouts = launchApp($ionicPopup, hangoutConfig); } });
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