@mjay76 wrote:
i'm totally new to ionic and i try to build my first app, but i cant't really handle the routing.
I have combine a side-menu and some tabs. All top-level routes are accessible over the side-menu, some are over the tabs too. Some top-level routes habe nested states (detail-page). One of the tabs is to toggle the side-menu, because the toggle hast to be at the bottom. But i cant put an ui-sref on it, becase this tab is only for toggle the side-menu and there are more links in the side-menu than one. But without ui-sref i cant acces the "app.kleinanzeigen.filter" state.
What can i do to use tab-sidemenu whithout ui-sref? Or am i totally wrong in my way of doing this?
How can i do it in a better way?My Routes like this:
.state('app', { //This is the base-state for my app with tabs and side-menu url: "/app", abstract: true, templateUrl: "templates/menu.html", controller: 'AppCtrl' }) .state('app.angebote', { // no problem url: "/angebote", views: { 'tab-angebote': { templateUrl: "templates/angebote.html" } } }) .state('app.angebote.details', { // no problem / no parameter because ist's a mockup url: "/details", views: { 'tab-angebote@app': { templateUrl: "templates/angebot-details.html" } } }) .state('app.kleinanzeigen', { // no problem url: "/kleinanzeigen", views: { 'tab-sidemenu': { templateUrl: "templates/kleinanzeigen.html" } } }) .state('app.kleinanzeigen.details', { // is not in the navigation //cannot access this route url: "/details", views: { 'tab-sidemenu@app': { templateUrl: "templates/kleinanzeigen-details.html" } } })
My menu.html
<ion-tabs class="tabs-positive"> // No Problem, i can access app.angebite as well as app.angebote.details <ion-tab title="Angebote" icon-off="ion-social-octocat" icon-on="ion-social-octocat" ui-sref="app.angebote" ng-click="goTo('app.angebote')"> <ion-nav-view name="tab-angebote"></ion-nav-view> </ion-tab> <ion-tab title="SideMenue" icon-off="ion-navicon" icon-on="ion-navicon" ng-click="toggleRightSideMenu()" // ui-sref="app.kleinanzeigen" // if i put this on the tab i can navigate to app.kleinanzeigen.details, but there are more linkes // on the side-menu, that dont inherit from app.kleinanzeigen. on-select="clearHistory()"> <ion-nav-view name="tab-sidemenu"></ion-nav-view> </ion-tab> </ion-tabs> </ion-side-menu-content> <!-- Side Menu (left) --> <ion-side-menu side="right"> <ion-header-bar class="bar-positive bar-logo"> <h1 class="title">Menü</h1> </ion-header-bar> <ion-content> <ion-list> <ion-item class="item-divider">Angebote</ion-item> <ion-item ui-sref="app.angebote" menu-close="">Angebote</ion-item> <ion-item class="item-divider">Kleinanzeigen</ion-item> <ion-item ui-sref="app.kleinanzeigen" menu-close="">Kleinanzeigen</ion-item>
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