@jeffleus wrote:
Just got an email yesterday w/ the announcement...
"...Parse's hosted services will be fully retired on January 28, 2017. We're proud that we've been able to help so many of you build great mobile apps. Read more on this announcement and what this means for your app here. Thank you for using Parse..."
Super bummed as a I have a pet project I was preparing to release that has it's back-end built on Parse. I really like their SDK's and enjoyed the built-in authentication and authorization through ACL's on the data objects. It also had a more effective query tool than my experiences w/ Firebase and I really loved the back-end, admin dashboard. It definitely had some shortcomings, especially trying to support offline or limited connection use-cases. So, I had started looking at other options. But this feels like the rug just got pulled out from under me. As an aside, there is a funny take on this "incredible journey" process cataloged by Phill Gyford at http://ourincrediblejourney.tumblr.com/
They have a lot of material that looks really nice to help folks migrate and self-host. And they open-sourced the server and client libraries I think. But, in the end, self-hosting puts management demands back on a hobbyist like myself. Still processing all of this. Anyone else working w/Parse.com for their BaaS care to chime in on your plans moving forward? Or just join in a collective "harumph!!"?
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