@Ckpk wrote:
Hi All,
I am try to call an event during keypress in one of the input box, but not sure how to pass the value of the input box.
This is how i do it and getting
in the end.controller.js
$scope.bySearch = function(descr){ var xhr = $http({ method: 'post', url: 'http://www.webcentury.co.id/api/lists.php?descr='+descr }); xhr.success(function(data){ $scope.data = data.data; }); $ionicScrollDelegate.scrollTop(); console.log(descr); }
<label class="item item-input"> <i class="icon ion-search placeholder-icon"></i> <input type="text" ng-model="dash.search" placeholder="Search" ng-keypress="bySearch(dash.search)"> </label>
What is the correct way to pass the data to angular?
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