@VinceOPS wrote:
Hi everyone!
I'm new around there, and just started enjoying this good framework (discovered AngularJS at the same time)
I'd like to know if someone has experienced the same issue:
Here's my piece of code:
<form name="searchForm" ng-submit="searchForm.$valid && ctrl.getReport()" novalidate> <div> <label class="item item-input"> <i class="icon ion-search placeholder-icon"></i> <input type="search" ng-model="ctrl.reportNumber" placeholder="Report Number" required> </label> </div> </form>
If I type something in my "search" input, and press the "ok" button (bottom right corner of the Android keyboard), then the ng-submit code is executed. But if I change the type of input to "tel" or "number", the same "go" buttons doesn't trigger the ng-submit anymore.
Is it related to Angular, or Ionic? Should I create an issue on the GitHub?
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