@mi6crazyheart wrote:
I'm new IONIC & AngularJS. Currently, working on an app & stuck at a point. Don't how to resolve the issue.
I've a login form. After user login to the app, he/she will land at HOME page. In the home page, I've an image. On that image, I'm using ng-click. So, on click of that image, it'll redirect the user to some other page. Here I'm facing the issue & the issue is, just after login when I'm coming to the home page & on click of that image ng-click is not working at all. But, once I refresh the browser & click on that image ng-click start working. Don't know why this wired thing is happening.
After some random testing, I found that... If I place the same "showVendorPage()" in my "Menu.js" controller file which handle the side menu functionality it started working(just after login). Then, If I refresh the page & click on Image then ng-click is working from my Home.js controller. I think, somewhere something is going wrong & my scope is not working properly.
Here are all files which I'm using. The ionic version which I'm using in 1.7.12
(function(){ var app = angular.module('e2pro', ['ionic', 'e2pro.LoginController', 'e2pro.HomeController', 'e2pro.AttendanceController', 'e2pro.LogoutController','e2pro.MenuController','e2pro.EmpProfileController','e2pro.EmpSearchController', 'e2pro.VendorController', 'ngMessages', 'ngCordova', 'angularMoment']); var requestToken = ""; var accessToken = ""; var deviceToken = null; var access_token = null; var refresh_token = null; var session_id = null; var user_id = null; var user_login_type = null; var route_to = null; app.run(function($ionicPlatform, RequestsService, GeoAlert) { $ionicPlatform.ready(function() { // Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard // for form inputs) if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) { cordova.plugins.Keyboard.hideKeyboardAccessoryBar(true); cordova.plugins.Keyboard.disableScroll(true); } if (window.StatusBar) { // org.apache.cordova.statusbar required StatusBar.styleDefault(); } console.log('inside app.run function'); }); }); // Service for logout user from app app.factory("User", function($http, $q, $rootScope, $ionicHistory, $state) { return { logout: function(){ window.localStorage.clear(); $ionicHistory.clearCache(); $ionicHistory.clearHistory(); $ionicHistory.nextViewOptions({ disableBack: true, historyRoot: true }); $state.go("login"); } } }); app.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $httpProvider) { $stateProvider .state('app', { url: '/app', abstract: true, templateUrl: 'templates/menu.html', controller: 'MenuController' }) .state('app.tabs', { url: "/tabs", views: { 'menuContent': { templateUrl: "templates/tabs.html", } } }) .state('login', { url: "/login", templateUrl: "templates/login.html", //controller: 'LoginController' }) .state('markEmpAttendance', { url: "/markEmpAttendance", templateUrl: "templates/attendance/markEmpAttendance.html", //controller: 'AttendanceController' }) .state('app.tabs.home', { url: '/home', views: { 'home-tab': { templateUrl: 'templates/home.html', } } }) .state('app.tabs.emp-profile', { url: '/emp-profile/:empId', views: { 'home-tab': { templateUrl: 'templates/empProfile.html', //controller: 'EmpProfileController' } } }) .state('app.tabs.vendor', { url: '/vendor', views: { 'home-tab': { templateUrl: 'templates/vendor/vendor.html', //controller: 'EmpProfileController' } } }) .state('app.tabs.emp-search', { url: '/emp-search', views: { 'home-tab': { templateUrl: 'templates/empSearch.html', //controller: 'EmpProfileController' } } }) .state('app.tabs.service-request', { url: "/articles", views: { 'serviceRequest-tab': { templateUrl: "templates/serviceRequest.html", controller: 'articlesCtrl' } } }) .state('app.tabs.colonies', { url: "/colonies", views: { 'colonies-tab': { templateUrl: "templates/colonies.html", controller: 'coloniesCtrl' } } }) .state('app.foo', { url: "/foo", views: { 'menuContent': { templateUrl: "templates/foo.html", controller: 'fooCtrl' } } }); $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/app/tabs/home'); $httpProvider.interceptors.push('sessionInjector'); }); }());
login.js (controller file)
angular.module('e2pro.LoginController', []) // Employee Attendance Controller .controller('LoginController', function($http, $scope, $state, $ionicHistory, $ionicLoading, $cordovaOauth, RequestsService){ console.log('Inside Login Controller'); var baseUrl=null; $scope.credentials = {}; $scope.validationFailed = false; $http.get('js/config.json') .then(function(res){ baseUrl = res.data.server[res.data.mode]; }); // Method for user's default login $scope.validateCredentials = function(form){ console.log('Form Validation start for login : '+form.$valid); var attendance_require = null; var emp_attendance_status = null; // Setting module data element for the api request $scope.credentials.module = 'user_login'; $scope.credentials.pageId = 1548; // Check form validation status & move control accordingly if(!form.$valid) { return false; } // Show spinner animation $ionicLoading.show({ template: '<ion-spinner icon="android"></ion-spinner>' }); $http({ method: 'POST', url: baseUrl+'/S/E2Pro_MobileApiEndPoint.php', data : $scope.credentials }).then(function successCallback(response) { if(response['data']['status'] === 'success') { session_id = response['data']['data']['session_id']; user_id = response['data']['data']['user_id']; route_to = response['data']['data']['route_to']; attendance_require = response['data']['data']['attendance_require']; emp_attendance_status = response['data']['data']['emp_attendance_status']; window.localStorage.setItem("session_id", session_id); window.localStorage.setItem("user_id", user_id); window.localStorage.setItem("user_login_type", 'default'); // Hide Spinner before redirecting to home page $ionicLoading.hide(); // Redirecting to home page if(route_to === 'home'){ $state.go('app.tabs.home'); return false; } } else { // Hide Spinner before redirecting to home page $ionicLoading.hide(); // Show message for email id & password miss match $scope.validationFailed = true; } }, function errorCallback(response) { // console.log('Error occcur during user authentication'); // Hide Spinner before redirecting to home page $ionicLoading.hide(); }); }; });
Home.js (Controller file)
angular.module('e2pro.HomeController', []) // Employee Attendance Controller .controller('HomeController', function($scope, $state, $location, $ionicHistory, $ionicSideMenuDelegate, $http, $ionicPopup, User, GeoAlert){ console.log('Inside Home Controller'); var baseUrl=null; // Check application session. If it's found not exist redirect user to login page if(window.localStorage.getItem("session_id") === "undefined" || window.localStorage.getItem("session_id") === null) { $ionicHistory.nextViewOptions({ disableAnimate: true, disableBack: true }); $state.go("login"); return false; } $scope.empName = ''; $scope.alertMsgBox = false; $scope.alertMsgText = ''; $scope.employees = []; $http.get('js/config.json') .then(function(res){ baseUrl = res.data.server[res.data.mode]; }); // Method for showing Vendor page $scope.showVendorPage = function(){ console.log('Clicked on vendor icon'); $state.go('app.tabs.vendor'); } });
Home.html (template file)
<ion-view view-title="Home"> <ion-content class="has-tabs"> <div ng-controller='HomeController' > <div class="row" style="margin-top:15px;"> <div class="col"> <img src="img/leave.png" ng-click="showVendorPage()"> <h5>Vendor</h5> </div> <div class="col">.col</div> <div class="col">.col</div> </div> </div> </ion-content> </ion-view>
Menu.js file
angular.module('e2pro.MenuController', []) // Employee Attendance Controller .controller('MenuController', function($scope, $state, $ionicHistory, User){ // Method for logout user from app $scope.logout = function(){ User.logout(); }; // Method for showing employee profile $scope.showSelfProfile = function(){ empId = window.localStorage.getItem("user_id"); // console.log('MenuCtrl - click on profile image of emp id : '+empId); // Redirecting to home page console.log('At func showSelfProfile'); $state.go('app.tabs.emp-profile', {empId:empId}); } // Method for showing employee search page $scope.showEmpSearchPage = function(){ console.log('Cliked on employee search icon'); $state.go('app.tabs.emp-search'); } // Method for showing Vendor page $scope.showVendorPage = function(){ console.log('Clicked on vendor icon from Menu Controller file'); $state.go('app.tabs.vendor'); } });
Need some Guidance
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