@rootthenile wrote:
Hello folks, I am new here on Ionic framework
i’m trying to find the best ways and what I tools/codes I needs to build an Ionic Application with multiple form inputs and this forms inputs I need to handle it in a dashboard (PHP Fronted).
I want the form inputs go to a Fronted Dashboard (CURD) and in fronted I see all data waiting for approve to send it to the application after I approved it.
this forms will contains image/personal details
woocommerce will be common in this process the apps will show products and I need user to send some of this products to view it in the app this products already in a wordpress
my question is how and what the best ways or toold can I use to help me build this application with this kind of functions in this moments.
I would like to know if I can send this forms inputs to mysql database with a curd dashboard in php to manage the data.
then send this data to wordpress and the api of woocomrrce will show the products in ionic after i approved it from dashboard to send it to ionic application ?
How to send a form input a location/personal to my email?
How to create, read, update and delete operation ?
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