@sergiofigueras wrote:
Hello guys,
I’m trying to build a very simple navbar here, but the padding-top of it on iOS is by far very different from what I’m planning.
What I need is:
What I currently have is:
Despite the fact that there’re still some style missing, for buttons / font, as you can see in my sample my navbar is currently overriding iOS default bar.
So, the source code that I currently have is quite simple:
<ion-navbar> <ion-buttons end> <button ion-button icon-only> <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon> </button> </ion-buttons> <ion-title> {{ titulo }} </ion-title> <ion-buttons end> <button ion-button icon-only (click)="openModal()"> <ion-icon name="options"></ion-icon> </button> </ion-buttons> </ion-navbar>
It sounds like a very simple stuff, but as I’m newbie on ionic I would like to rely on your expertise, folks
Could anyone please in advice me why its happening or if its only some bug with Lab that won’t happen in real world?
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