@lmenus wrote:
Hey guys,
I really feel like this is a therapy because I wouldn't post here if I wasn't seriously struggling. I can't figure out what's going wrong but my menu title and icon seem to start overlapping randomly when I switch views. In addition, sometimes even the main content in the view disappears making the app useless.
I cannot click on the icon once this happens.
in my menu.html, I believe this is the relevant part
<ion-side-menu-content drag-content="false"> <ion-nav-bar align-title="center" class="header" ng-show="isInApp()"> <!-- Hamburger Menu Button --> <ion-nav-buttons side="left"> <button class="c-hamburger" menu-toggle="left" ng-class="{'is-active': isActive === true}"> <span>toggle menu</span> </button> </ion-nav-buttons> <!-- Settings --> <ion-nav-buttons side="secondary"> <img src="icons/settings.png" alt="Settings Icon" class="nav-button-icon" ng-click="goToSettings()" ng-class="{'settings-button-is-active': settings_isActive === true}" ng-if="isUsersOwnProfile()"> </ion-nav-buttons> </ion-nav-bar> <ion-nav-view name="mainView"> </ion-nav-view> </ion-side-menu-content>
I then define the view name in separate template files like so
<ion-view view-title="CMON NOW">
Any advice what might be happening here? I tried copying laborously the same menu code into each view and defining the view there as well through ion-nav-title but the result was the same.
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