@HappyHappyJoyJoy wrote:
Hi there,
so there's a deviceToken I get, when developing with Ionic Push and I can recive messages on app run. But what, if I close the app?
I'm regarding to http://docs.ionic.io/docs/push-usage
I get everytime a new deviceToken after calling
new Ionic.Push(...).register();
, so how could it be to get pushs in the app closed state? I think they're called native pushs ... (?)I'm still working in developer mode. I think, if I change to production mode then I will get everytime the same deviceToken on registering/running the app.
I really don't get this whole thing with the tokens, gmc, apns etc. in my head. Can someone PLEASE explain me this whole push thingi with relative simple words?
For example: Who generates the deviceToken, the local device or the ionic push api? Why should I use Ionic User? Do I really need it? ... and some more ... What is the difference between dev_push and { debug: true }? AppId? Priv/Publ Key? GcmKey? DeviceToken? UserToken? What the ... For what are all these keys?
My app is in dev-mode. I allready can recive messages when the app is running. Now my aim is to be able to recive messages for my app when it is NOT running. What I'll have to do now? I don't get it.
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